1. Caleb,
    Your research presentation was fascinating. Great work with your poster and research findings!

    -Shelby Hutchison, College of Education GTA

    1. Hello Izpaige,

      It started in my urban ecology class when i researched the urban to rural gradient to see species abundance and richness along that gradient. From there I was very interested in mammal communities and doing more research but it wasn’t until the Snapshot USA team contacted us to ask us to participate in there nationwide camera trap study because of my research in the urban ecology class that I was motivated and encouraged to participate in the study and then conduct our own study locally. The impact of mined land restoration on mammal communities gives us insight into preferable habits for these mammal communities which then helps us in a conservation sense to effectively management these communities. Thank you for your comment!

      Caleb Durbin

    1. Hello Brian,

      I am very passionate about this kind of research and would really love to be a part of similar research in the future.

      Caleb Durbin

  2. Interesting study and presentation. It would be interesting to see what the mammal life would be in the same habitat after 5 years with more tree, shrub and grass growth.

    1. Hello Barrett,

      Thank you for your comment! It took quite a while. We spent a lot of time making sure the photos were identified correctly.

      Caleb Durbin

  3. Thank you for participating in this important event and congratulations to you on a successful research project, Caleb. Dean Pomatto

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