
Hello, my name is Lindsey and I have been an RN for 8 years. I started out as a CNA in 2006 working in a nursing home and medical floor in a hospital. I decided to go to school and get my LPN in 2010 and went on to get my RN.  I currently work night shift at a rural hospital in Kansas for almost 7 now. We are a level 4 trauma center for the surrounding area.  We do med, surg, OB and ER. We also have numerous outreach clinics and are a skilled facilty.  Working night shift you get experience in all those areas, I main work in the Med/Surg with the occasional OB.

I have 4 kids, ages 14, 5, and almost 2 year old twins.  They keep me very busy when I am not at work.  We try to be outside majority of the days when it’s not too hot.

Researched is used in all areas of our hospital.  Our nursing teams keeps the nursing policies current with the best methods being used for certain diagnosises.  We have a wonderful in house phamacist that is always researching drugs and how and what these drugs are being used.  Best ways to mix certain drugs.  We also have a skilled services with PT, OT and ST.  They have to research to keep up to date with all the new and changing therapies to help after surgeries.

3 Responses

  1. Katie Gabel (Instructor) at |

    Welcome to the course, Lindsey!

  2. Alyssa at |

    You sound like one busy Mama! As a rural hospital, how has your census been with COVID? I know the hospitals in Wichita were low but have always wondered about the rural hospitals! Is there a specific area you like working more? It’s pretty nice you have the ability to float if needed!

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