Fact Check Assignment (Due 10/20)

The Current Assignment: Use our course guide and the INSTRUCTIONS to write and finalize a report before Tuesday, October 20.

Format: Your report can be an addendum to the original draft, or it can be completed with Google Comments.

geralt / Pixabay

Purpose: Your report must show where the draft needs a correction, an in-text citation, a better source, or better source information.

I also encourage you to provide any feedback that you think would help your classmate’s final draft, but that isn’t the main goal of this assignment.

Also, you may want to try an online quiz we took in class on September 29 when we reviewed this assignment. The Pew Center Quiz can help you make sure you are clear on how to differentiate fact from opinion.


Each step of this assignment is worth one-third of this assignment’s grade.
Clear details on how you completed each step and what you found are required for full credit in each category of the rubric.

Submission: You must submit the fact check to Bb for grading and share it on the blog with the category “Peer Review 1.”
If you do not want the original author to see your full peer review, you can simply provide general feedback on the draft in the blog, but you must still submit the full fact check in Bb.

Examples: Some students have preferred to write their fact-checks and source evaluations as a report, others prefer to use document comments for the fact-check.

In addition to the attached examples, feel free to review student submissions from previous semesters.

Be sure to review the full instructions linked at the top of this post.

4 Responses

  1. daketron at |

    Hello Dr. Loggins, I have looked through this blog and blackboard and still cannot find the name of the knowledge paper that I need to fact check. Some assistance is greatly appreciated.

    1. Christopher Pemberton at |

      I also have no clue what paper I am suppose to fact check? I feel like with each passing week in this class I get more and more confused.


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