Jace Armstrong Chapter 1 Activity 2

For this activity it is important to understand the functions of journalism. Journalism informs, explains, investigates, creates a public conversation, helps generate social empathy, and encourages accountability. These functions can be more beneficial in some media compared to others. As an example, some individuals may find that a printed article can be more informative compared to that of a news cast segment on television. The benefit to written article is the ability to go into depth and be as specific as it needs to be to get the information across to its’ readers. On the other hand, one may argue a that a video segment could be more informative because of its’ ability to use infographics and other video elements to enhance the story. Each medium of news and information will face their own challenges. At the same time, some forms of journalism can have more of an advantage over a different one. Some of that  comes down to personal preference of how each individual prefers to consume their information.

Over time, I am sure that the functions of journalism have changed from what they were, to what they are now. In the foreseeable future I do not see the functions of journalism changing a whole lot. I do think it is possible for one medium to become more popular than another. The platform that  I could see more traffic as the delivery system of news changes in the United States would be that of social media/the internet. More information is being delivered to the consumer via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and news/blog websites. It is not very common to see a person reading a newspaper or magazine in 2020. Often people use their phones or smart devices to consume the majority of their information. So, as the functions of journalism will remain the same, it is possible for some media that the information is transmitted through to become less popular. This transition from analog to digital may end up being detrimental to the journalists publishing articles for newspapers and magazines making them more obsolete. That impact can already be seen at the local level with budget cuts and furloughs to employees at local news paper organizations. Although the world is transitioning its’ means of communication, it is important to understand there is still a necessity for all forms of media even if it is less popular.

Journalism plays a pivotal role in every Americans’ life and its’ functions will remain important no matter what medium is more popular. Information will always need to be investigated, explained, and create public conversations. This is the best way for the general public to remain informed about the current events taking place throughout the world.


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