Hello everyone,
My name is Jace Armstrong, and I am a senior at Fort Hays State. I was originally born in Liberal, Kansas in the late 90’s. My family moved to Hays while I was in elementary school and Hays is where we would call home for the following thirteen years. I would go on to graduate from Hays High school in 2017 and follow my dreams of playing college baseball at Cloud County Community College. After my two years at Cloud, I was presented the opportunity to move home and continue to play baseball. I am an outgoing, happy-go-lucky, motivated person. I look forward to getting to know everyone and enjoy this unprecedented semester.
When it comes to news and the media today, I would consider myself an active consumer of news media. In short, I try my best to see all sides of any story or opinion. In todays world news and media is the center of information and at times, controversy. My interest in the use of media and information came around the time of the 2016 presidential election. Prior to that year my news and media consumption was purely in passing. I never took the time to digest and ask questions about the news. Now, I make sure I do not believe everything I see and try to compare stories to each other when told by multiple sources. For example, during this pandemic I felt the numbers of cases, deaths, and recoveries has been very scattered. Our president will state numbers that do not line up with other news outlets and health organizations. According to Fox news the number of cases in Kansas (33,885) matches the same amount provided by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment but the total amount of deaths do not match (The Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering).
Collectively I think it is important to pay attention to the news as a medium to understand events taking place all over the world. But, it is necessary to compare stories to each other to try and get a better understanding on the entire situation.
The Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE). Last Updated August 15, 2020. (Rep.). (n.d.). https://www.foxnews.com/category/health/infectious-disease/coronavirus
COVID-19 Cases in Kansas. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/160/COVID-19-in-Kansas
Hey Jace, Can you add a quote from the story or a more specific link? It looks like that is a general COVID website that is constantly updated and not a static story link.