KT: 1 Matt Buhrle

Map link: https://www.plectica.com/maps/2JRTD3PYN

NFCC link: https://1drv.ms/x/s!Aj5dWjcz6aTejBFFsJ_DdKgrCNPt?e=JtcHGh


1. What’s your name?

Matthew Buhrle

2.  Are you a grad student?

No, I’m a junior in the athletic training program.

3. Why did you enroll in this class?

It’s required for my degree.

4. Have you heard of my class and/or teaching methodology?



1. What are your initial thoughts?

Definitely the longest syllabus I’ve ever had. Seems complicated at first glance.

2.  What are your expectations of this course?

Learn new administrative skills.

3. Did you signup for the FHSU Promo free Plectica account?


4. Did you join the SL Facebook Group?
