Mason KT1

Mason Plectica Map

Mason NFFC

What is your name?

Hugh Mason

Are you a graduate student? What year?

I am not a graduate student, I have just recently started college classes back up after 15 year ago my previous college shut its doors. 

What class did you enroll in?

I enrolled in Test and Measurement in Health and Human Performance HHP 340.

Why did you enroll in this class?

I’m and planning on being a Elementary PE teacher.

Have you heard of my class and/or teaching methodology?

I have not heard of this teaching method.

What are you initial thoughts?

This is very new to me and hard to follow, slowly getting the hang of it. (you can teach an old dog new trick with time and patience.)

What are you expectations of this course?

Through this course I expect to learn new skills (like i am now haha) to help me be the best physical elementary teacher/coach I can be, in a all changing education system. To empower the next generation to come.

Did you signup for the FHSU Promo free Plectica account?

Yes I did.

Did you join the SL Facebook Group?

I did join the SL Facebook group. Enjoying the post and encouragement from James, previous students and current students.

7 thoughts on “Mason KT1

  1. I like your expectations for this course. I like how you will learn from this course and use it to better your career.

  2. Hey Mason! Love the picture you added. Were you on a missionary trip? If so, where? I’m right there with you on learning how to navigate the course. Good luck this semester!

    • Thanks, A friend and I drill water wells in Haiti, so kind of like a missionary trip. We have 21 water wells in Haiti and one in Africa. That picture was from Haiti.

  3. I think it’s awesome that you have the motivation to come back to college after so long! Many say it’s a struggle, but I think you will do great work!

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