KT1: Pechanec

Plectica link: https://www.plectica.com/maps/EZZG401ZP

What is your name?

Are you a graduate student? If no, what year?

Why did you enroll in this class?
-Part of my degree requirement.

Have you heard of my class and/or teaching methodology?
-I am not familiar with the entire concept.

What are your initial thoughts?
-This course is going to be different than any other course.

What are your expectations of this course?
-My expectation is to possibly change my way of thinking.

Did you signup for the FHSU Promo free Plectica account?

Did you join the SL Facebook Group?

4 thoughts on “KT1: Pechanec

  1. This course appears to be mostly undergrads, but maybe the graduate students simply aren’t posting yet! What is your degree in? I am taking this as part of my MBA for a concentration in healthcare management.

  2. You have a great outlook on your expectations for this course and it’s great that you’re prioritizing a chance to improve/change how you think. That will definitely help with the graduate level courses you are more than likely taking. Thinking outside of the box or simply, as you put it, tweaking how we think can be a huge benefit. Good luck this semester.

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