The first priority is to listen to the concerns of the parents. Always observe the parent-child interaction during the entire visit. Reinforce positive interactions and discuss any concerns. If there are siblings in the room, how do they interact with the child? Is the parent positive about the child?
3-year-olds become slimmer and lose the rounded tummy of a toddler. They begin to share and like to play with other children. They can take turns and begin to show feelings in socially acceptable ways. They begin to understand right and wrong. Temper tantrums become less frequent.
The average 3-year-old:
- gains 4 -6 pounds per year
- grows 2-3 inches per year
- has 20 primary teeth
- may sleep 1-13 hours total, often still taking a short afternoon nap
Bright Futures gives priority to these topics during the 36 month visit [PDF]
Social Determinants of Health
- Living situation
- Food security
- Tobacco, alcohol, and drugs
- Positive family interactions
- Work-life balance
- Reading, talking, and singing together
- Language development
- Water, milk, and juice
- Nutritious foods
- Competence in motor skills
- Limits on inactivity
- Car seats
- Choking Prevention
- Gun Safety
- Water Safety
- Pedestrian Safety
- Falls from Windows
Strengths and Protective Factors
Encouraging Literacy Activities
Promoting Healthy Nutrition and Physical Activity