Measurement Tools

There are a variety of measurement tools to assess children’s development. In this section, several will be discussed.

Cognitive Development

  • Standard IQ tests
  • Toy/play and language-based assessments
  • Peabody Draw a Person test



Developmental Assessment Tools for the Primary Care Office

What are developmental surveillance and screening?

Developmental surveillance and screening are integral to early childhood health care for all children, not just for those at risk of developmental delay ”It opens the door for celebrating a child’s new skills and the important role of parents and caregivers. (it) also opens the door to talk about next steps, not just for the child who might have delays, but also for the child who is progressing as expected” (The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 2014)

Developmental surveillance and screening have three purposes:

  1. To identify children at risk for developmental disorders.
  2. To identify precursors and warning signs of the disorders early in life.
  3. To initiate care and treatment as early as possible.

What you should know about screening tools.

What is Screening? – the use of standardized tools to identify and refine a recognized risk. (AAP Council on Chidren with Disabilites et al., 2006)

Take a look at the interactive content below to explore different types of screening tools. 

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