Screening [11-21 years]

Universal Screening Action
Depression: Adolescent (beginning at 12 year visit) Depression Screening*
Dyslipidemia (Once between 9 and 11 year visits and once between 17 and 21 years visits) Lipid Profile

once between 11 and 14 year visits

once between 15 and 17 year visits

once betwee 18 and 21 year visits

Audiometry, including 6,000 and 8,000 Hz high frequencies
HIV (once between 15 and 18 year visits) HIV test
Tobacco, Alcohol, or Drug Use Tobacco, alcohol, or drug use screen
Vision (12 year and 15 year visits) Objective measure with age-appropriate visual-acuity measurement using

HOTV or LEA symbols, Sloan letters, or Snellen letters

Cervical Dysplasia (all young women at the 21 year visit) Pap smear

*If depression screen is positive, further evaluation should be considered during the visit. Suicide risk and the presence of firearms in the home must be considered.

Selective Screening Risk Assessment Action if Risk Assessment Positive (+)
Anemia + on risk screening questions Hematocrit or hemoglobin
Dyslipidemia + on risk screening questions and not previously screened with normal results Lipid profile
HIV + on risk screening questions HIV test
Oral Health Primary water source is deficient in fluoride. Oral fluoride supplementation

  • Chlamydia




  • Gonorrhea




  • Syphilis
Sexually active girls

Sexually active boys + on risk screening questions



Sexually active girls

Sexually active boys + on risk screening questions



Sexually active and + on risk screening questions

Chlamydia test




Gonorrhea test




Syphilis test

Tuberculosis + on risk screening questions Tuberculin skin test
Vision (11, 13, 14, 16, and 17 year visits) + on risk screening questions Objective measure with age-appropriate visual-acuity measurement using HOTV or LEA symbols, Sloan letters, or Snellen letters

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