- C = Have you ridden in a Car with someone high?
- R = do you drink or use drugs to Relax or fit in?
- A = Do you drink or use drugs while Alone?
- F = Do you Forget things you did while on alcohol or drugs?
- F = Do Family or Friends tell you to cut down?
- T = Have you been in Trouble from drinking or drugs?
The CRAFFT Screening Interview tool is from Performing Preventive Services: A Bright Futures Handbook.
CAGE is used to assess alcoholism
- C = Have you felt a need to Cut down on drinking?
- A = Have you been Annoyed by criticism of your drinking?
- G = Have you felt Guilty about drinking?
- E = Have you felt the need for a morning Eye-opener?
SSHADESS may also be used for assessing the teen’s home life.
- S = strengths
- S = school
- H = home
- A = activities
- D = drugs
- E = Emotions, eating, depression
- S = sexuality
- S = safety
What happened since the last health supervision visit? Be sure to include any parent of teen concerns.
- “What questions or concerns do you have about your teen’s growth or pubertal development?” Emotional well-being?
Ask about past history. Any visits to the emergency department or urgent care? Any Changes in the health of anyone in the family?
Ask the teen questions, such as what they like to do with their friends.