The first priority is to listen to the concerns of the parents. Always observe the parent-child interaction during the entire visit. Reinforce positive interactions and discuss any concerns. If there are siblings in the room, how do they interact with the child? Is the parent positive about the child?
2-year-olds demonstrate increasing independence but also develop fears. She has lots of questions, who, what, why? But has difficulty making decisions. The 2-year-old can feed herself, read books and imitate household chores. She does not interact well with others yet, continuing to engage in parallel play. Give her choices but do not ask questions that can be answered with a no. One way for her to show control is to answer negatively, such as “Can I listen to your heart?” Child: “NO!” Try asking: “Which ear should I look in first?”
Bright Futures gives priority to these topics during the 30 month visit:
Communication and Social Development | Temperament and Behavior | Toilet Training | Safety |
Encourage language
Promote reading Attention to how child communicates wants and interests |
Media use limits
Safe play Physical activity |
Car seats
Sun Protection Gun Safety |