Developmental Milestones

Developmental milestones presented may cite varying ages when each milestone is achieved, depending on the source you are using. Your task is to understand development begins with simple tasks, and as the child ages, he/she is able to integrate more complex skills. You will also have to memorize the ages at which these milestones are achieved to be able to make clinical decisions as applicable.


Age in months Gross Motor Fine Motor Language Social-Emotional Handout [PDF]
2 Head up 45 degrees when lying in a prone position Follow past midline Laugh Smile spontaneously PDF
4 Rollover Grasp rattle Turn to rattling sound Regard own hand PDF
6 Sit with no support Look for dropped object Turn to voice Feed self PDF
9 Dada/Mama nonspecific Wave bye-bye PDF
12 Stand alone Put the block in a cup 1 word Imitate activities PDF
15 Walk backward Scribble 3 word Drink from cup N/A
18 Walkup steps Run Tower of 2 cubes 6 words

Point to at least 1 body part

Remove garment PDF
24 Throwball overhand, Jump up Tower of 6 cubes Name 1 picture

Combine words

Put on clothing PDF
30 Throwball overhand Tower of 8 cubes Speech half understandable

Know 2 actions

Wash and dry hands N/A
36 Balance on each foot for 1 second Thumb wiggle Speech all understandable

Name 1 color

Know 2 adjectives

Name friend PDF
48 Hop Draw a person with 3 parts Define 5 words

Name 4 colors

Copy a cross (+) PDF
60 PDF



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