Tag Archives: Module 2

Initial Approach and Concerns

Starting this project is beginning to be a challenge.  Initially, I had a conversation with the clinic manager about the idea of my project in fall 2018.  She thought my project of increasing pneumococcal vaccination rates among adults 65 and over was a great idea.  Things seem to be starting off smoothly.

Fast forward to summer 2019.  The clinic manager I was working with and was going to be my champion turned in her resignation.  The new manager was willing to work with me, but seems to lack the enthusiasm the previous manager possessed.  From the conversations I have had with both of them, this transition caused hard feelings.  Neither the out-going manager nor the incoming manager talk to each other.  However, I did secure the commitment from the current manager regarding my project and she is now my champion.  We sat up a meeting time for me to talk to the staff at the clinic this week.  In addition, I have secured a nurse who will also help lead the efforts to make this project successful.

Now for another set-back.  The meeting scheduled for this week has been postponed.  Nobody knows when it or if it will be rescheduled.  The clinic manager is out with an illness and the staff as no idea when she will return.  In addition to my clinic manager being ill, I found out the at the same time the nurse who was going to be my leader in the office is resigning and going to work for a different facility.  Her last day will be next week.

On a positive note however, the nurses said I could come and still talk to them and give them the information I had planned on providing during the meeting.  So basically, I will be giving the same speech four different times at eat nurses station.  I also have another nurse who may agree to be a leader for me within the clinic.

My concerns about starting my project is the staff will not have the motivation to implement the project since two of my primary contacts have or are leaving.  To alleviate this concern somewhat, I will also speak to the IT department and make sure the pop up reminder is ready to be implemented.  But wow, I found all this out yesterday.  I still can make this work though.  It is just a few setbacks.