Marc Najjar: KT5

What: Assigned roles in a fictional Healthcare system to individuals in my class as well as established an organizational structure for the Healthcare system in question. So What: Understood the importance of the function of every role in the Lakeview Healthcare system and how it is all interconnected but still can’t believe that a 5 […]

FT4: Marc Najjar

Providing Honest feedback on the course so far I have attempted to provide honest feedback on the course by answering all questions truthfully and honestly with the hope that it will affect how the course is given I do not agree with the method of teaching so far and honestly think that i am not […]

KT1 Marc Najjar

I have completed the feedback survey and the need for cognitive closure questions. i will attach the excel sheet for the NFCC to this post. I have also completed my 16 personalities test and will attach a screenshot of it to this post. My initial thoughts on this course is that it is completely weird, […]