KT5 Kirsten Stockton

https://www.plectica.com/maps/OLG2JVEAB/edit/EE1N5RUC3 What: The Lakeview Healthcare System is failing. I provided a modified program structure to demonstrate the Lakeview Healthcare Systems staffing structure and hired/fired staff based on their personalities and need for cognitive closure scores. So what: The staff that I have implemented will assist me (the CEO) in executing a plan to revamp the […]

FT4 Kirsten Stockton

https://www.plectica.com/maps/AG0CNI4LQ/edit/140BHJ3UL State It: Understanding ourselves and others through personality surveys and acknowledging how that can assist us in Healthcare Administration. Elaborate: By understand how we best function, we can utilize our strengths to better communicate. We can also utilize understanding our weaknesses to know where we may fall short in understanding or reacting. With others, […]

EM3 Kirsten Stockton

https://www.plectica.com/maps/NTP74ET72/edit/8E07TOELK What: This Essay/Blog map helped me develop my outline for my blog. I have chosen to write a blog on how Administrators in Healthcare can improve the efficiency and quality of their services through the increasing neurogenesis in their employees. This assignment also allowed me to understand how to deconstruct my plan as well […]

KT 2 Kirsten Stockton

https://www.plectica.com/maps/GN9131F2P What: This assignment and plectica map was about understanding initially how to create good maps, but it dove deeper into breaking down the complexity of the U.S. healthcare system and how each part is interrelated. So what: To understand how to become an administrator in healthcare, one must understand healthcare and the complex nature […]