FT 4 Jason Morrow

https://www.plectica.com/maps/VN73AVFTR WHAT: The purpose of the plectica is to discover our personalities and to provide a mid course of evaluation of this course SO WHAT: Open, honest dialogue that embeds in the CAS course.  In order to adapt, there must be feedback. NOW WHAT: Utilize this feedback to move forward and being a truly adaptable […]

EM #3 Jason Morrow

https://www.plectica.com/maps/QW7820Y0I   What: This assignment focuses on creating blog that looks at specific situation within healthcare administration. So what: I will be creating a blog about neurogenesis and its effect on healthcare. Now what: Hopefully, after much research I will be able to show how neurogenesis is a positive and useful healthcare tool that will […]


https://www.plectica.com/maps/H5ZFB4PM0 What: This assignment focuses on looking at the healthcare system. So what:  To understand the the complexity and navigation through the healthcare system. Now what:  Cause change in the adaptive environment to being to bring quality, affordable healthcare to our patients.