The Faculty and Staff Diversity Support Community held a special event at Cancun Mexican Grill to ring in a new academic year. Over 40 members across the university community attended the gathering. Before dining on fajitas and grilled chicken, the group played a human bingo game of TIGER, matching characteristics about individuals on their respective bingo board to an individual with that characteristic. The game was an excellent ice-breaker and chance for people to get to know one another. The Meet, Greet, and Eat will hopefully become an annual tradition for the FSDSC!
Henry and others playing an ice-breaker game
Folks trying to win a prize!
The FSDSC encourages closer bonds and interactions between FHSU Faculty and Staff.
Administrators, faculty, and staff all getting together through the FSDSC
Hongbiao, Michelle, Hussam, Bader, Vinod, and others enjoying the event
Beverages all around 🙂
Amber, Claudia, Nuchelle, Jessica, Claire, Bonnie, and the Durrs having a lot of fun!
Dr. Annette Clark Jones just joined FHSU this semester and is one of several new members of the Tiger family.
Everyone trying to match names to characteristics about individuals in a humorous human bingo game
Dr. Vinod Srivastava, prior chair of the FSDSC, participated in the celebration to start the new year off right.
Julie, Nicole, Robyn, and Dawn are all smiles at the FSDSC.
Claire Nickerson from the library chatting with Dr. Annette Clark Jones during the TIGER game.
The Math and Computer Science departments have a history of being involved with the FSDSC, and it is much appreciated
Gyebi, Gary, Dosse, Xinle, and Kwadwo enjoying each other’s company
Jessica McGuire playing TIGER with the rest of the party
Cancun was hospitable and served as a great host location for the event
The event was a smash success!
2 thoughts on “Photo Gallery: Fall 2023 Meet, Greet, and Eat”
I am so glad to be a part of this community initiative.
I am so glad to be a part of this community initiative.
It is wonderful to have you back at FHSU and able to be a part of FSDSC. Hopefully we make meaningful progress through the initiative!