1. There has been little research on how COVID-19 is affecting the sexual practices of people. In a past semester I have taken a course covering sexual practices with Dr. Carol Patrick as my professor. This course interested me and I wanted to see how the students attending my university felt about their sexual practices before and during COVID-19. Thank you for the question!

  1. Thank you for participating in undergraduate research day. You clearly have a good command of research and presentations skills.

  2. A timely study and important way to capture what is happening ‘in the moment’ with students. Are there any plans to complete another study once things “get back to normal” to see how behaviors do or don’t shift back? Great presentation!

    1. I do not believe a further study will take place. In the survey the participants answered questions regarding what their life looked like pre-covid. I believe this give’s a good idea of “normal” sexual practices.
      Thank you!

  3. I like the way you presented your research and your video explaining it. I find it interesting that the students behaviors did decrease because of the pandemic. Good presentation!

    1. My advice would just be to reach out to professors. The worst a professor can say is that they are not doing research and/or they already have students working on it. It never hurts to ask!

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