Yonker – KT 5


1. What is standard deviation? And what are the steps to calculate it?

Standard deviation is a number that describes the amount of deviation in a certain group as a whole. The average distance from the mean for each data point.

To calculate – find the mean, find the square of each data point’s distance to the mean, find the sum of the values from the previous step, divide that by the number of data points, take the square root

2. What is standard deviation used for?

It is used to measure a spread of data points out of a certain set.

3. What is the difference between measures of central tendency and measures of variation or spread?

Central Tendency – descriptive statistics of the middle characteristic of a distribution.
Measures of Variation – describe data distribution.

4. Read and map out the answer to the questions from Khan Academy Step-by-step interactive example for calculating standard deviation 

SD = 1.87

5. What is a criterion-referenced measurement?

A measure of a specific criteria level.

6. What is a norm-referenced measurement?

A measurement compared to other measurements from similar data groups

7. What is Validity?

The amount that a test measures what it says it is supposed to be measuring.

8. What are factors affecting Validity?

Administrative procedures, criterion measure, characteristics of test takers, reliability

9. What is Reliability?

The number of times the same results occur when a test is performed in an identical manner.

10. What are factors affecting Reliability?

Administrative procedures, scoring methods, the duration of the test, the diversity of a group.

11. What is Objectivity?

A form of reliability that is determined by test-retest procedure.

12. What is the difference between Validity, Reliability, and Objectivity? Provide an example.

Validity – Measures what is says
Reliability – Gets the same results (Measures accuracy)
Objectivity – Measures score without bias.

if someone measures their height by standing on their tiptoes the test would not be valid because it is not measuring what it is saying in measures
If they continue to stand on their tiptoes for each measurement the test would seem reliable until they did not. Objectivity would be if the tester added a couple inches because they wanted them to be able to be in a certain height group.

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Yonker KT1

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What is your name? Abby Yonker

Are you a graduate student? No, I am a senior majoring in HHP

Why did you enroll in this class? I enrolled in HHP340 because it is part of the requirement for graduation.

Have you heard of my class or teaching methodologies? No, I have not.

What are your initial thoughts? I am pretty confused, but also really interested to see how this course ends up being. I think it will just be something that takes getting used to and once I pick up on the swing of things and how things work/what needs to be done I think it will be really interesting.

What are your expectations for this course? I don’t have much in terms of expectations for this course, other than I expect to be kept on my toes with everything. This will not be a typical class and that’s intriguing to me.

Did you sign up for the FHSU promo free Plectica account? Yep!

Did you join the SL Facebook Group? Yes